Download from steam workshop without steam
Download from steam workshop without steam

download from steam workshop without steam download from steam workshop without steam

Just like the in-game thumbnail above, it should accurately describe the mod's contents and it should look like this: png image named "steamthumbnail.png" that will appear in the steam workshop. png image named "thumbnail.png" that will appear in-game in the mod manager, summing up the contents of the mod, looking like this:Ī 512x512. There are 4 important elements in the mod folderĪ 180x80. Make sure the name is customized so it doesn't overwrite other mods with the same name. The contents of the mod should be contained into a folder named acordingly. You get a full list of the mods you are subscribed to, including a thumbnail, description and author. There is also a "Mod Manager" in the main menu of the game from which you can enable and disable mods easily. I for one appreciate the hard, creative work that is put into modding, and you guys have my thanks.Steam > SteamApps > common > Move or Die > Mods > The only reason I subscribe to a mod is because it's not posted here, or ,(based on the steam description) I think/guess that it is an updated version of that mod that I already have from here all that said.

download from steam workshop without steam

Personally, I prefer getting/managing mods from here I am not a Steam fan either. Even then, the only real clues that we have are the version numbers.Ĭonfusing (sometimes), yes indeed, and leads to a lot of "game time" consuming folder/file management, double menu icons, and even game crashes (as can be seen in both forums) that are often interpreted by users a bigger issue with the game. Us users can't identify a steam mod until we - subscribe to it - run the game - close the game - and then check our mods folder to identify it and compare it to our XLN mods. Posting the actual name of the mod file would be helpful as well. If you guys have a mod here XLNation that is the 'same/better/completely different/etc.' or may conflict with the one we download/subscribe to Steam and needs to be removed, please, note that in your steam description.

Download from steam workshop without steam