Flat stanley ideas
Flat stanley ideas

The letter asked the Bush family to allow Flat Stanley to accompany them on their daily routine, meet their dogs, Spot and Barney, and send him back to the hospital with a letter and photos recording his experiences. along with a letter to the president and first lady. Bush."įlat Stanley, perfectly suited for an envelope and dressed in red, white and blue with a Texas logo on his T-shirt, went off to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. We made a Flat Stanley and sent him to the White House, and we were hoping to hear from President and Mrs. He acts like a kite and his brother flies him. "His brother was jealous of him because he could slip under a door, and he hops into paintings. "I think it is neat he is flat," Trevor said as he described Flat Stanley's activities in the book. Tangner and Jacobs, the Oklahoma Children's Cancer Association volunteers, plan prom parties, pickle parties, art projects, games and decorations to help the children keep busy during long hours of treatment when their parents are tired and out of ideas.įlat Stanley is one of those projects - one that isn't over in an afternoon. Trevor laughs easily, is optimistic, loves onions, encourages others and tries to keep up with the Boy Scout activities he was involved in before his illness. He said he looks forward to the volunteers' visits and the fun things they plan. The 12-year-old honors student said he likes to do new things and be busy. Trevor Duhon, a Kerr Junior High student, began treatment for a brain tumor in December. Children, often too sick to travel, see the world through Stanley's visits to faraway places. Kay Tangner and Arlene Jacobs introduced Flat Stanley to children undergoing cancer treatment at OU Medical Center. Thus began this paper-doll-like boy's adventures in a world where others could not go.

flat stanley ideas flat stanley ideas

That's Flat Stanley, the children's book character who is providing entertainment and adventure to children with cancer at Jimmy Everest Cancer Center at Children's Hospital of Oklahoma.įlat Stanley, the creation of author Jeff Brown, got in the way of a falling bulletin board.

Flat stanley ideas